Wow, this year has absolutely flown. I accomplished some amazing things this year (which I hope to recap in another post) and I am looking forward to achieving some amazing things in 2012 as well.
I have two options: 1) I can type this up and actually get it posted or 2) I can fret about trying to make it all cute and then never get it up. I have opted for option one.
I like to break down my goals into different categories so I can not only have Macro goals, but micro goals as well. After all it is fine and good to say I am going to do X but if you don't have any micro goals on how to achieve X then X is likely to never happen.
The first area i am focusing on is my Spiritual Life
1) Daily quite time
- get up by 5:15 every morning for quiet time
- have Bible reading plan in place (I am reading Dr Horner's reading plan this year and very excited too. I have been waiting two months to finish another plan before starting this one) I am doing this reading plan alongside my hubby so very stoked about that too.
-I have my prayer app up to date and ready to go. I have used a couple of different apps on my phone, but my favorite right now is myPraypal.
-Continue Collossians/Philemon Bible study that I am doing with Ladies Group at Church
-Continue with my non-fiction reading schedule (will post more about this later). In a nutshell it is books that I read daily for further spiritual growth in specific areas of my life. Right now I am reading He Loves Me! by Wayne Jacobsen and Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl by Lysa Terkeurst for my general spiritual growth.
2) Post Scriptures around my home and change out regularly to both inspire and challenge our family.
- I pull these verses from either something I read during quiet time or from one of our three sermons each week.
-I actually started doing Wall Scriptures a couple of months back. We are simply putting the scripture in Word, changing the font to make it pretty and then printing. For years I have wanted to do this but kept waiting for the perfect way to do it. I don't have time for perfection and I don't think God cares how I am posting these scriptures, just that i am so we can pass them on to our children.
3) I am going to start writing down the things I am thankful for- a Thanksgiving List. I have been wanting to do this for a while, but I just haven't started. I know there is a popular book out right now that talks about doing this. This is not where I got the ideas as I have not read the book. I plan to read that book over the next couple of weeks and let you know if it further inspires me in this journey.
I know I only listed this as three items, but it is a big load and will take huge dedication and commitment on my part and even that won't be enough without completely holding the Lord's hand to guide me through this year.
Do you have any goals this year to lead you closer to the Lord?