Sunday, August 05, 2012

Drawing out our Children's God Given Potential

The Pelsers 7 Tools Book Club

What an amazing first chapter.  I love this reminder as to why and how I home school.  This is about more than education.  At the end of this 18 year journey, what sort of child do I want to turn out?  Am I looking to turn out a child that is full of book smarts and no character or would I rather have a child who is fully of Godly characteristics and average book smarts?  Personally, I am way more concerned about my child's salvation than the grade he/she receives on a particular paper.  

To me, this is a journey.  Our children learn and grow through our tender cultivation.  They learn and grow from both our mistakes and their own.  This journey is an opportunity to explore and learn  what it is they are truly passionate about.  We are to educate them, "to draw out of" them, their best. 

We can do none of this without the Lord.  After all, "As parent, we haven't had any loving thoughts for our children that did not originate with God."  He taught us how to love.  "Parental love originated in the heart of God before earthly parents were ever created.  We know how to love our children because He first loved His children.  We know how to do good things for our children because our heavenly Father does good things for us.  God the heavenly Father teaches us how to be parents through His Word and by His example."

We have to remember our calling and our purpose.  "If we imitate God's behavior toward us, our children will have a much easier time believing in a God who loves them and has sacrificed Himself for them." And in Chapter 2 we will begin learning about the tools needed to achieve our goals. Until then...

"Trust in the LORD and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness."- Psalm 37:3 (NASB)

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