Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Feeling a little discombobulated

Since we moved at the beginning of August I have had the worst time getting back on a schedule. So much of my life is the same, yet so much is completely different.

First, is our home. It is the same and when I mean the same, I mean EXACTLY the same. We have a mobile home and we had it relocated to our own land in East Texas. So it was so easy to unpack because I knew where everything went. It had to have been a record breaking speed. But here is the discombobulating thing about this. I can't begin to tell you how odd it is to walk out of your house and suddenly the scenery is different. Now I know how Dorothy felt. She went to sleep in Kansas but the next time she wakes up she is in Oz. It isn't just me either. It has really thrown a couple of the kids off as well.

Second, and this is a biggie. Our old church had Sunday morning service, youth on Wednesday and children's church from late September to early May. Now Suddenly our entire family is at church three times a week. Don't get me wrong we are loving it, but it has been a big change and I haven't done a great job of managing this change into our schedule.

Third, we are back to private in home speech therapy again. For the last three years we have been going to a hospital about 15 minutes away and doing speech there. Now I have a therapist coming to the house 2-3 times per week. Gotta say, on the one hand I am loving it. It is so convenient. I don't have to take anyone anywhere and I save money on gas. The downside... I worked out at that hospital and was able to kill two birds with one stone. Now I am having to find different times to workout and honestly that hasn't been working out too well for me, but it is getting better. The thing I love about the therapist coming here is that I am using that time to have my one on one sit down work with the other child. So I am still killing two birds with one stone, they are just different birds now.

Finally, Since moving I have been completely dedicated to getting up early and having my quiet time. Not being a morning person was just an excuse. I don't need excuses, I need God. Excuses is what landed me more than 100 lbs over weight. Excuses are what destroy families because they are too busy to deal with things. Simply put I am tired of excuses. I have found that you can do exactly what you WANT to do. I WANT to make God my priority and for me personally the only way that is going to happen is if I get up before everyone else and have my quiet time with God. So yes, I am getting up earlier- much earlier. Yes, I am having an amazing time with God, but boy am also having an amazingly difficult time getting my badonkadonk in bed on time! No excuses, I just like the quiet at night too. But it simply isn't going to work. I am not as productive at night and God is more important to me than late night solitude.

I am going to have some time this weekend to work on a schedule and I am hoping that will really make a difference. I have started decluttering and I am hoping to get it finished tomorrow and do a quick post. I am also hoping that our storage barn will be delivered tomorrow and I will be able to get some things out of the house that I have been storing in here. I am going to be very selective and careful about what goes in the barn because I don't want to end up having to declutter it when this is all over.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you are feeling discombobulated in your badonkadonk. Or is that on the other end? What is a badonkadonk anyway? I think I've heard that somewhere. Movie? Random movie trivia?

I agree about the solitude at night, too. That's so hard. I seem to got in spurts, finally after 3 days of burning both ends of the candle, I crash at like 7pm. I don't learn easily. Actually I'm just stubborn.

Really loving having you and your badonkadonk close. :) Hugs!!

Brandi in TX said...

I burn myself out the same way. I've got to get that under control too. On that note, I am prepping my coffee pot and crashing. Hopefully I will feel much better tomorrow!